Specification on Occupation Category & other information

Talisman Corporation
Tokyo Office
Osaka Office
Hokkaido Research Center
Business License Number 01-ユ-300282

Scope of Job Categories and Operations Handled

  • Job Categories: All Job Categories
  • Area: All over Japan, United States of America

Matters related to fees

We do not charge job applicants any fees.
We charge the following fees from job offering companies and related employers.
Type and content of services Amount of fees and payer
Administrative expenses at the time of registering jobs JPY 0
Searching and investigating special job seekers under specific conditions Retainer Fee JPY 20,000,000
Success Fee (In the case of an introduction to an employment contract with an indefinite term) 100% of the wages paid during the first year of employment of the job applicant (the amount stated in the offer letter or notice of working conditions)
or 2,500,000 yen
Whichever is higher of the above
Success Fee (In the case of an introduction to an employment contract with a fixed term) 100% of the wages (the amount stated in the offer letter or notice of working conditions) paid during the employment contract period (up to one year if the employment contract exceeds one year) after the job applicant is employed
or 2,500,000 yen
Whichever is higher of the above
The commission shall be borne by the employer
Professional consultation and advice for job seekers to fill job openings (additional services for job placement) Success Fee Success FeeIn the case of successful job placement, 100% of the wages (the amount stated in the offer letter or notice of working conditions) paid during the first year of employment of the job seeker
The commission shall be borne by the employer
Additional services such as more specialized consultation and advice in addition to employment placement services. Success Fee 100% of the wages (the amount stated in the offer letter or notice of working conditions) paid during the employment contract period (up to one year if the employment contract exceeds one year) after the job applicant is employed
or 2,500,000 yen
Whichever is higher of the above
The commission shall be borne by the employer
Professional consultation and advice for job seekers to make it easier to find a job [Reemployment support type] Retainer Fee
At the end of consultation and advice
The retainer fee and the fee at the end of the consultation and advice are all 35% of the wages paid by the job applicant during one year (the amount stated in the offer letter or notice of working conditions)
or 2,500,000 yen
Whichever is higher of the above
Success Fee 35% of the wages paid during the first year of employment of the job applicant (the amount stated in the offer letter or notice of working conditions)
or 2,500,000 yen
Whichever is higher of the above
The fee shall be borne by the relevant employer.
A service that introduces job seekers to job seekers after receiving a job order(employment placement service)
[Reemployment support type]
Success Fee
(In the case of an introduction to an employment contract with an indefinite term)
In the case of successful job placement, 100% of the wages (the amount stated in the offer letter or notice of working conditions) paid during the first year of employment of the job seeker
or 2,500,000 yen
Whichever is higher of the above
Success Fee
(In the case of an introduction to an employment contract with a fixed term)
In the case of a successful job placement, 100% of the wages (the amount stated in the offer letter or notice of working conditions) paid during the employment contract period (up to one year if the employment contract exceeds one year)
or 2,500,000 yen
Whichever is higher of the above
The commission shall be borne by the employer
  • The above fees do not include consumption tax.
  • The above fees are the upper limit, and the fees separately stipulated in the contract, memorandum of understanding, etc. with the employer will take precedence.
  • If the contract period of the labor contract is less than one year, the estimated annual wage assuming that the contract period is one year will be used as the basis for calculation.

Particulars of the Complaint Processing

Complaints from job seekers or employers will be handled in good faith by the Employment Placement Manager. For inquiries, please contact the following.
Mail:[email protected]

Particulars of the handling of personal information

Matters concerning the Company’s handling of personal information of candidates are as follows.
  1. The scope of employees in the business establishments who handle personal information shall be those involved in the Company’s employment placement business. The person in charge of handling personal information shall be the person in charge of employment placement at the office.
  2. The Employment Placement Manager shall provide education and guidance on the handling of personal information to employees in the business establishment that handles personal information once a year. In addition, the person in charge of employment placement shall take a course for the person in charge of employment placement at least once every five years.
  3. In the event that a person who pertains to the information of an individual requests disclosure of the information, the person handling personal information shall disclose the information based on objective facts, such as qualifications and work experience, without delay based on the request. In addition, corrections (including deletions) will be made based on this. The same shall apply hereinafter. If the request is in accordance with the objective facts, the correction shall be made without delay. In addition, the Employment Placement Officer shall endeavor to inform job applicants and others regarding the handling of personal information disclosure or correction.
  4. In the event that a complaint is made by the person concerned about personal information, the person in charge of handling the complaint shall handle it appropriately in good faith. The person in charge of handling complaints shall be the person in charge of employment placement at the office.

Particulars of the refund system

The Company’s refund system is as follows (in addition, there may be arrangements that differ from the following in the contract between the employer and the Company).
  1. If a job seeker introduced by our company is terminated due to serious negligence within three months of employment or resigns for personal reasons, we will refund half of the introduction fee received from the job offering company.
  2. Refund requests must be made within 30 days from the date the eligible person leaves the company. 31 days after the date of the resignation will not be refunded for any reason.