Talisman Corporation recognizes that the careful handling of personal information and protection of individual rights and benefits are important social responsibilities.

  1. Upon collecting personal information, we will clarify the purpose of use thereof as far as possible and will use such personal information by lawful and fair means to the extent necessary for fulfilling purpose.
  2. We will limit the use of an individual’s personal information within the scope of the purpose that is specified, notified or announced to said individual and will implement measures to prevent the use of such personal information outside the scope of purpose.
  3. Upon providing or outsourcing the handling of an individual’s personal information to a third party, we will do so in a lawful manner within the scope of the purpose of use agreed to by individual.
  4. We will implement safety measures including information security measures to ensure the accuracy of personal information and the safety of the use thereof, and will make efforts to prevent unauthorized access to and leakage, loss or damage of personal information and to improve security.
  5. We will respect all rights of each individual who provides his/her personal information, and when the individual requests us to disclose, correct or delete, or discontinue using or providing his/her personal information, we will duly comply with such requests and will appropriately respond to complaints or consultations.
  6. We will sufficiently comply with laws, government guidelines and other regulations regarding the handling of personal information.
  7. We will provide appropriate instructions and training to all employees handling personal information.


Handling of personal information

We covenant that we will carefully handle and appropriately protect personal information in accordance with the privacy policy as well as protecting privacy.

By submitting your application to us, you are agreeing to your personal details being forwarded to our offices.

Moreover, there may be cases where we need to provide to an external organization statistics data based on personal information including the estimated number of users, average age, place of residence as collective data (not individual data).

The purpose of collecting personal information is, among others, to continually provide professional and efficient services. The information collected will be utilized to provide employment application opportunities, and will enable us to know the contact information of applicants.

We may record calls for the purposes of maintaining records, training, and quality assurance. Please note that when you access our website, information such as the IP address of your internet service provider and the date and connecting time will be stored on our web server.

We hereby notify you as follows with respect to personal information we collect or retain for the business purposes.


Name of the business handling personal information

Talisman Corporation
B-1 Kita 3-1-40, Higashi 1,
Shiranuka-gun Shiranuka-cho
Hokkaido, 088-0331


Purpose of using personal information

We collect or retain personal information as part of our business activities for the following purposes.

  • The purpose of use of personal information that was obtained directly in writing
  • The purpose of use that is explicitly and individually specified in writing
  • The purpose of use of personal information that was obtained in a way other than directly in writing
  • For contacting customers in order to provide services that they desire
  • For handling matters that have become necessary following applications and responses by telephone
  • For contacting the owner of the personal information and conveying messages by letter, facsimile, email, telephone or orally
  • To contact a customer to provide services requested by the customer
  • To provide information, contact and give notice to a job applicant
  • For screening of applicants and processing thereof
  • For human resource management within our company after the successful applicant joins our company
  • To process notification and proceedings to authorities concerned regarding management of employees and benefit, work safety and tax practice for the benefit of employees
  • To use personal information within the scope of compliance with laws and guidelines regarding personal information protection
  • In addition to the above, for business communication and transmission of information regarding the businesses of our Company

We may obtain personal information in the following way or channel within the scope of the above purpose of use in order to properly perform the services commissioned by the client.

  • Public information published in the official gazette, newspapers, and magazines or on the internet or through another medium
  • Personal information scheduled to be provided and refereed to a third party
  • The information that were provided in good faith from candidates and clients


Procedures to meet requests for disclosure, etc. of personal information

If an individual identified by personal information requests us to notify the purpose of use, to disclose, to correct, add or delete the content, to discontinue its use, to erase, or to discontinue its provision to a third party (collectively, ‘disclosure, etc.’) with respect to personal information subject to disclosure, please contact us.

Established: January 1, 2012