Support For All Processes, From Recruitment Planning to Closing the Deal

90% +

repeat rate

RPO (Recruitment Process Outsourcing) is a service where Talisman supports your recruitment operations. By helping to resolve your hiring challenges, we can lighten your workload, leaving your personnel officers to focus their energy on other important tasks. We offer flexible support for recruitment processes, tailored to suit your challenges, budgets and other needs. We offer two service plans: our Full Plan which supports every stage from strategy formation to closing the deal, and our Light Plan which offers support for selected activities.



Skill/Cost Challenges

  • We want to reduce recruitment costs
  • We want to boost cost effectiveness to improve KPIs
  • We want to step up direct sourcing
  • We want to boost recruitment officers’ skills

Workload Challenges

  • We lack sufficient staffing to handle recruitment
  • We are too busy to focus on important tasks
  • We donʼt have anyone who can handle recruitment in different languages


1. Cuts Recruitment Costs

Cuts costs by promoting direct recruiting and employee referrals. Companies can also reduce spending on placement fees and on running job advertisements.

2. Specialist Consultants Skilled in Each Area

Talismanʼs services are delivered by officers dedicated to particular areas. Our officersʼ grasp of the different needs of each industry helps you hire candidates who are more perfectly matched to your needs. Thanks to our multilingual capabilities, we have built up a track record in hiring global human resources.

3. A Way to Build Up Recruitment Expertise

When Talismanʼs RPO Service comes to an end, Talisman prepares a handover document for you. Your company can use this for reference when carrying out direct sourcing in the future.

Scope of our services

Recruitment Strategy

• Recruitment planning

• Recruitment process design

• Recruitment channel selection

Population Formation

• Direct Sourcing

• Agent Management

• SNS/recruiting media operation

• Event planning and operation

Application & Screening

• Application Reception

• CV screening

• Notification of acceptance or rejection


• Interview Advice

• Interview Training

• Interview scheduling

• Notification of acceptance or rejection


• Offer Handling

• Sending of documents

• Sending of information on procedures for joining the company

• Linkage of information on new employees

Service Flow


Proposal of Services & Recruitment Strategies

First, we would like to hear about your company’s needs and challenges. We will be able to provide you with a higher resolution proposal if you sign a NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) and share with us data on your recruitment activities.


Finalize Specifications & Contract

After a detailed discussion regarding a rough estimate, service areas, and framework, and after you informally agree to place an order, we will sign a outsourcing contract. At the same time, we proceed with preparations for implementation, such as assigning your company’s RPO staff in-house.


Service Introduction

We will establish and finalize the support framework and discuss the details of each phase of the project. We start RPO (Recruiting Process Outsourcing) operations in accordance with your recruitment strategy, and our dedicated RPO consultants execute the recruitment operations. We will also communicate regularly with your HR staff and propose necessary action plans.


Talisman’s RPO (Recruitment Process Outsourcing) has been used by more than 30 foreign and Japanese global companies , tech start-ups and public offices in the 6 years since the release of this service.
Examples of business areas: IT / Internet / Pharmaceutical / Consumer Goods / Space Venture / Industrial


Case Study of a major IT firm using RPO (Recruitment processing Outsourcing) in Tokyo. 外資系 I Tソフトウェア企業

Successfully Recruited 43 New Employees in 7 Months.

Foreign IT software company – Number of employees: more than 1,000
Talent the Client is Looking for

The client needed to hire a large number of people in a short period of time, but was facing challenges in forming the base population for recruitment, points of appeal to candidates, and the selection process.

We defined requirements with the hiring managers for each position and clarified the type of person they were looking for. Through company information sessions and other events, we carefully explained the client company’s appeal points and career paths for candidates, and succeeded in increasing their motivation to join the company.

By being involved from the planning stage, we were able to increase communication and trust with the client company, resulting in the hiring of 43 new employees within 7 months of the start of the project.

Case Study of Recruitment for a Space Venture firm in Japan 宇宙ベンチャー企業

Set up Interviews With 20 People Through Direct Recruiting

Space venture company – Number of employees: more than 100
Talent the Client is Looking for

Due to Covid19, it became difficult to recruit from overseas, and the client shifted to domestic recruiting. However, the client had been recruiting globally and had no internal recruiter who could respond in Japanese.

Using LinkedIn, we approached not only apparent job seekers but also potential job seekers to form a population. By assigning an RPO consultant with expertise in direct recruiting and conducting scouting via LinkedIn, we were able to effectively form a population. As a result, 20 candidates for the difficult positions of head of sales and product manager were interviewed in just two months.


We have about 40 RPO consultants participating in our client companies’ recruitment teams at any given time, here are backgrounds of some of our team members.


We will match you with the right person for your company through our in-house selection process.

Before the project begins, we will meet with the person in charge of the project in the form of a face-to-face meeting, so you can rest assured.

This is primarily a remote work schedule. It is possible to come in once a week or once a month for meetings.

Yes, please contact us. We can also organize company information sessions and conduct interviews on your behalf, which require specific know-how depending on the type of industry in which you are recruiting. We can also assist you with a variety of other tasks as much as possible.

It is possible, but the current plan will remain in effect until the initial term of the contract. If you inform us of the change at the time of contract renewal, we will prepare a new proposal.

Useful Information​

Pros and Cons of RPO - 3 Pros and 2 Cons of Hiring an RPO
3 Pros and 2 Cons of Hiring an RPO
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To read detailed examples of how our services work, please ask us for a company pamphlet.