3 Significant Reasons why it might be time to Change your current IT job

What is the secret motivational force that drives information technologists to consider quitting their current position within an IT company?  If you are thinking it is based on raising their current income level you would be partially correct, however there is a more important and interesting reasons as to why information technologists are considering a career move. If you are thinking it is based on raising their current income level, you would be partially correct.  However, there are more important and interesting reasons why information technologists are considering a change of career.

Professionals working in the ever-changing information technology industry are looking for a job that is not only financially rewarding, but also challenging with opportunities to gain new skills needed to advance their career, along with a healthy work culture.  49% of technologists currently employed in the information technology industry are interested in a strong income according to a recent Forbes article, although there are other key aspects that are desired and inadequate.


3 Significant Reasons why it might be time to Change your current IT job

1. Company Culture

What is most surprising is that 71% of information technologists would take a pay cut to gain the missing aspects of company culture, such as open communication, work-life balance, strong leadership, and company values, according to a Forbes article.  For an information technologist these four aspects regarding company culture are most valued to employee and are often ignored by their current employer.  This oversight from IT companies may lead to feelings of neglect for IT technologists.

When it comes to communication, information technologist workers are looking for less tangible rewards, such as recognition for a job well done, or the acknowledgement of one’s opinion on technical aspects has gained ground according to Computer World.  Information technologists are also looking for flexible working hours, allowing them to spend more time with their family.  A short commute distance and option to work remotely from home are part of the work-life balance that information technologists desire from their current job.  


2. Training

Outside of work culture, information technologists are interested in keeping their skills up-to-date, as information and technology are consistently changing at a rapid rate. More than half of IT professionals want better training and development sources, and 48% say they want better job opportunities for career advancement from their current job, according to Forbes.  As a result, companies are offering education benefits for their IT workers, which enable IT professionals are able to improve their technical skills while enhancing the company’s technical edge.


3. Mismatch

If an IT company does not offer outside training opportunities, there may be a sense of struggle for an information technologist falling behind with new technological advances.  If your talents don’t match the field you find yourself in, consider switching careers as soon as possible.  Try taking personal and career assessments to find a field that is a better match for you, as advised by entrepreneur.com.



Professionals in the information technology industry desire more than traditional employment benefits. Previously, employees were content with an opportunity that provided financial security and stability, but most IT professionals are now looking for a company that has a great work culture with training opportunities.  IT companies that are looking to hire the best information technologists need to take note of this growing trend, in order to attract new employees with the highest level of talent and retain their best employees. Highly-skilled information technologists who can adapt to technological advances should not compromise when looking for the right company. Rather, they should consider opportunities that will provide the culture and training that is often lacking in traditional companies.



Computer World






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