jp resume image


When seeking employment in Japan, even foreigners are sometimes required to submit a resume in Japanese. This is more likely to be the case for business positions than for engineering positions, and for major companies than for start-ups.
Writing a resume (履歴書) in Japanese can be a daunting task, especially if you are unfamiliar with the format and customs.
In this blog post, we will provide you with valuable vocab-list, tips and guidelines to help you create an effective Japanese resume that will impress potential employers.

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Contents overview

・Resume / CV(履歴書-Rireki sho)
- 1. Format and Structure
- 2. Use Formal Language
- 3. Be Concise and Focused
- 4. Customize for Each Application
- 5. Pay Attention to Appearance
- 6. Proofread and Edit
・Career History(職務経歴書-Shokumu keireki sho)
- 1. Highlight relevant work experience
- 2. Emphasize achievements and numbers
- 3. Provide specific job descriptions
- 4. Highlight skills and qualifications
- 5. Proofread and check formatting



履歴書(りれきしょ)- Resume / CV
・氏名(しめい) – Name
・ふりがな – Phonetic Guide / Ruby
・国籍(こくせき) – Nationality
・生年月日(せいねんがっぴ) – Date of Birth
・年齢(ねんれい) – Age
・性別(せいべつ) – Gender
・現住所(げんじゅうしょ) – Current Address
・電話番号(でんわばんごう) – Phone Number
・メールアドレス – Email Address
・連絡先(れんらくさき) – Contact Address
・学歴(がくれき) – Educational Background
・学校名(がっこうめい) – Name of School
・在学期間(ざいがくきかん) – Period of Enrollment
・卒業(そつぎょう) – Graduation
・職歴(しょくれき) – Work Experience
・会社名(かいしゃめい) – Company Name
・雇用期間(こようきかん) – Employment Period
・職種(しょくしゅ) – Position / Job Title
・免許(めんきょ) – Licences
・資格(しかく) – Qualifications / Certifications
・志望動機(しぼうどうき) – Reason for Applying
・自己PR(じこPR) – Self-Introduction / Personal Statement
・本人希望記入欄(ほんにんきぼうきにゅうらん) – Space for Personal Requests
・給料(きゅうりょう) – Salary
・職種(しょくしゅ) – Position / Job Title
・勤務時間(きんむじかん) – Work time
・勤務地(きんむち) – Work Location
・言語スキル(げんごスキル) – Language Skills
・趣味(しゅみ) – Hobbies
・特技(とくぎ) – Special Skills / Talents
・参考人(さんこうにん) – References職務経歴書(しょくむけいれきしょ)- Creer History
・職務要約(しょくむようやく)- Career Summary
・業界(ぎょうかい)- Industry
・部署(ぶしょ)- Department
・事業内容(じぎょうないよう)- Business details
・資本金(しほんきん)- Capital
・従業員数(じゅうぎょういんすう)- Number of Employees
・業務内容(ぎょうむないよう)- Job Description
・取り組み(とりくみ)- Initiatives / Efforts
・実績(じっせき)- Performance / Results




Resume / CV(履歴書-Rireki sho)

1. Format and Structure

Japanese resume

  1. Begin with personal information: Include your full name, date of birth, age, (gender,) address, phone number, and email address. If you do not need another contact information, you can write “同上 (same as above)”


  1. Educational Background: List your educational background, starting with the most recent institution attended. Include the name of the school, period of enrollment, and graduation details.
  2. Work Experience: Provide details of your previous employment, including the company name, employment period, and job title. Emphasize relevant responsibilities and achievements.


  1. Licenses and Qualifications: Highlight any relevant licenses or qualifications you have obtained.


  1. Self-introduction: Write a concise and compelling self-introduction, highlighting your key attributes and career goals.


  1. Personal Requests: Fill in the desired conditions (salary, work time, work location, etc.), but in general, it is common to write “I will comply with your company regulations (貴社規定に従います)”.


  • Language skills: Optionally, Indicate your proficiency in different languages.
  • References: Optionally, you may provide references from individuals who can vouch for your character and work ethic.



2. Use Formal Language

  • Japanese resumes require the use of polite and formal language. Avoid casual expressions or slang.
  • Utilize proper keigo (敬語) or honorific language when referring to yourself and others.



3. Be Concise and Focused

  • Keep your resume concise and to the point.
  • Focus on relevant experiences, skills, and qualifications that align with the job requirements.



4. Customize for Each Application

  • Tailor your resume for each job application.
  • Research the company and position to understand their specific requirements and emphasize relevant information accordingly.



5. Pay Attention to Appearance

  • Use a clean and professional-looking format.
  • Ensure proper spacing, alignment, and font consistency throughout the document.
  • Avoid excessive decorations or colored backgrounds.



6. Proofread and Edit

  • Thoroughly proofread your resume for any grammatical or typographical errors.
  • Edit the content to improve clarity and coherence.





Career history(職務経歴書-Shokumu keireki sho)

In English countries, the career history is typically included in the resume or CV.
However, in Japan, it is common to submit a separate document called “職務経歴書(shokumu keirekisho)” along with 履歴書.
So here are some additional tips, for writing a career history.



1. Highlight relevant work experience

Select and emphasize the work experiences that are most relevant to the position you are applying for. Focus on specific job responsibilities, accomplishments, and contributions that showcase your abilities and value.



2. Emphasize achievements and numbers

Highlight specific achievements and numerical data throughout your work history. For example, mention project success rates, effective cost reductions, revenue growth, etc., using concrete numbers to demonstrate your results.



3. Provide specific job descriptions

Describe each job in detail, including specific responsibilities and projects you were involved in. Include details such as tools and technologies used, team sizes, and roles undertaken to provide a clear picture of your experience.



4. Highlight skills and qualifications

Include a section that emphasizes your skills and qualifications. Prioritize those that align with the requirements of the position you are applying for, and showcase your abilities effectively.



5. Proofread and check formatting

After creating your resume, proofread it carefully to correct any grammar or spelling mistakes. Also, ensure that the formatting and layout are consistent and professional, making it easy to read and visually appealing.





Writing a Japanese resume may seem challenging at first, but by following these tips and guidelines, you can create a compelling document that effectively showcases your qualifications and experiences.
Remember to adapt your resume for each application and present yourself in a professional and organized manner. Good luck with your job search!


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About The Author

shinya iguchi