
Switching from a SIer to my ideal job! The effort you need to make your dreams come true

– How to smoothly transition from one job to another –

Switching from a SIer to my ideal job! The effort you need to make your dreams come true (switching to my ideal job)

* Photo is just an image

Hello. My name is Ryosuke Ito, and I am doing a short internship with Talisman. I had the opportunity to interview K.I, who succeeded switching jobs by using Talisman’s services.

1. What made you decide to change jobs, and what was your background?

Before I became a SIer, I already thought about a changing jobs.
Originally, I majored in liberal arts in college, so I did not have any IT knowledge or programming skills at that time. However, a job that I wanted to do was a data analyst that used big data. Therefore, I decided to choose an SIer as my first career because I needed to learn the basics of the IT industry. After I worked there for 2 or 3 years, I changed jobs from an SIer to my dream job.
My circumstance of changing jobs.
When I had a meeting with Mr. Kimura in January 2018, it was the first time we contacted each other. After that, I received a job offer from him. It matched perfectly with the position of my dream job, and I thought that I could not find this type of offer anywhere else.
As a result, I quit my SIer job in a short period, and I decided to join the new company that he introduced me to. I emphasized the following two things while I was looking for my next job.

  • Be able to do my ideal works
  • Be able to get my ideal position


2. What is it like at your new workplace?

I have not worked at the new company yet, so I’m not sure about the differences between my previous job and my new job.
But, I think one of the differences is the working style of the employees. At my new job, the employees work professionally in what they want to do. On the other hand, the last company divided the roles of establishing networks to the front of the web by separating the departments.
At my new job, I hope that I would get my ideal position, do my ideal type of work, and learn new things and skills from other employees. I am looking forward to joining such an exciting environment.

3. What did you do to get your dream job, and did you have anything that bothered you?

I did two things to get my ideal job.
The first one was an elaborate plan.
I did a long-term internship at a startup company right after my first job hunting had finished. The experiences at the internship were related to the tasks at my new company, and I learned some important skills from that internship. I experienced work on three projects at the internship. As a result, when I started my first career as a new graduate, I was at an advantage because I had skills that new graduates do not usually have. However, 【skills】, which I mentioned above, do not mean technical skills. 【skills】means the overall working processes of the IT field, such as ways of inventing new systems, workflows, and the role of each position. I prepared those important things to be able to work in the IT industry while I was in college.
I also made sure to have a tough mind.
I had an axis of my career plan that I would work related to big data and data analysis in the future. So I worked very aggressively with having my career axis to be able to participate in projects to acquire skills that I wanted to master.
Thus, I【made elaborate plans】and【had a tough mind】 in order to get my desired job.
However, it was not easy to implement them, so I was so nervous at that time.
I was especially worried that I made a wrong decision when I started an internship in the IT field. Even so, if I seriously worked, various people evaluated me. I was glad, I gradually became aware of how fun the work is. As a result, I felt that my anxiety within me steadily changed into strength and confidence.

4. Why did you choose Talisman, and how was it?

There were several reasons why I chose Talisman from a lot of job changing agencies.
At first, the job offer from Talisman completely matched my ideal job offer. I felt that Talisman understood me well, so I got a positive impression of them.
I used other agencies too, but they were different from Talisman. More than half of them recommended a lot of job offers, even if they were not related to my ideal job.
I had a stable career axis, but there were times when the axis was swayed due to receiving a large number of offers that were not related to what I wanted to do.

Do you have any advice and comments to the people who want to change jobs?

If you have a dream or cannot do big things at your current job, I recommend that you think about a changing jobs. If you really want to do that, you should know exactly why you want to change jobs. Also, you should prepare carefully to tell your ideas to someone, such as consultants and your co-workers. I think that those processes are the best ways to change your job successfully.


Mr. K.I thought deeply about what kind of work he would like to do in the future since he was in college, and he has worked with having a career axis. As a result, he was able to find his new ideal job successfully. 【Having a career axis】is a key of success when changing jobs. There are many consultants who have professional knowledge and are familiar with each industry at Talisman. By listening to the troubles and wishes of the candidates, and introducing the positions where the client is able to succeed, Talisman is working to satisfy both the candidate and the company. If you are thinking whether you are going to change jobs, contact Talisman immediately. We will think about your future with you.

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About The Author

shinya iguchi